Statement from Club Chaiman James Eastbury:
It is with a heavy heart I must announce that Graham Ashbrook, one of our own, passed away on Sunday 10th January 2021 in hospital after a period of ill health, his daughter Lorraine, also a Club member, was by his side at the very end.
Graham was the Club membership secretary for many years, amongst his other roles, and had the unenviable task of managing all membership subscriptions together with issuing laminated membership cards specific to each individual member, a thankless task! He was also the ‘other person’ at the end of the phone for any new or aspiring members to contact and I distinctly remember the very first conversation I had with him regards joining Chester Road Club many years ago. I could never get over the number of bikes he had hidden in his attic!
Graham will be sorely missed by his family and friends, an exemplary father, grandfather and fellow Club member, it is my hope and wish he will now be at peace with his wife Sylvia.
Please join me in offering heartfelt condolences to all of Graham’s family. Further arrangements regarding his funeral and any other forms of memorial will be announced by the Club in due course.
Rest In Peace
Graham Ashbrook
7th September 1933 – 10th January 2021